Advocating to Authority Figures
It’s one thing to advocate for your needs when going to the store, but it’s a whole other story when advocating for your needs with doctors, teachers, and other authority figures.
More often than not, people with disabilities, chronic illnesses, mental illnesses, and more have to explain to their healthcare providers their illness/situation and what they need. Although these amazing people have gone to school for years and practice medicine daily, they don’t always know how to handle your specific situation. It can be especially challenging when you don’t have a diagnosis.
I encourage you to be transparent with the authority figures in your life, whether it’s your boss, teacher, or doctor. You deserve to be helped even if these people have to put in the extra effort to find ways to accommodate and support you.
You are worthy of help no matter the situation. I understand it can be scary advocating for yourself, but I promise that it’s always worth it in the end.