10 Things I Think Everyone Should Know

Some of these may be unpopular opinions… but when it comes to me, this is what I prefer and it is extremely important to listen to all disabled voices.

  1. Service dogs are medical equipment and it should be widely known not to distract them.

  2. I’m fortunate to have a service dog, but not lucky that I need one.

  3. There is nothing wrong with the words such as “disabled”, “autistic” or any other label. There are things wrong with functioning labels and using terms such as “differently abled”, “handicapped” or “special needs”.

  4. I prefer identity-first language (view previous blogs to learn why).

  5. Autism is a spectrum; like every other person, we have strengths and weaknesses. Our weaknesses are more prominent at times because the world was not made for us.

  6. Disabled people do NOT need to change, society needs to become accessible and accommodating.

  7. Education and the willingness to learn is the first step to creating change.

  8. Your perception of someone’s ability to look normal is often inaccurate. You never know what someone is going through and what their needs are until you ask.

  9. Accommodations do not give disabled people a leg up, it gets us closer to the same playing field.

  10. Everyone should move about the world with empathy and support those around them.

I realize these ten things are pretty random but I needed to get them off my chest. Come back next week for another blog!!


Service Dogs Aren’t for Everyone


Double Empathy Theory